Monday, August 16, 2021

Dewey's in Hyrum

 I was frying some left over mashed potatoes and said to myself, I'm making Dewey's hash browns.  Dewey's was the restaurant in Hyrum.  Sometimes we referred to it affectionately as "the greasy spoon" but I think that was affection.  We ate there frequently; not as a family but usually us boys.  Weldon and I loved their hamburger steak which was only $1.25.  However out most significant memory was playing pin ball on the game in the front corner.  Dave DeBolt lived closest, and consequently he was usually the best at the game.  He had figured how to earn lots of free games on the machine.  Sometimes we would go and have a good time.  There would be five of us crowded in the corner, Dave and his brother Ben and myself and my two brothers, Weldon and Charlie.  We had great fun.  

The commercial district were Dewey's was located was all knocked down to make way for the Hyrum museum and library.

Sunday, August 15, 2021

Color and Patterns from our trip to Mammoth Lakes area and Postpiles

 I walked around our camp at Mammoth Lakes area to see what I could see.  have also added a picture of Post Piles National Monument which has a unique pattern.  

ant hole pattern

redwood against ponderosa

ant hole and grass

This stump had many splinters

lichen on a rock

bark and decaying tree

Decaying tree and a flower

decaying tree with limbs

Leaning post piles