Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Singing in Church: "As I have Loved You"

 When we were living in Ballard, Sheri and I were asked to speak in church.  We were going to sing "As I Have Loved You" between our talks as a family.  Jeremy was the baby; but we had worked very hard with Mark and Natalia to sing with us, and do the sign which is in the primary book.  We practiced and practiced, and the kids were so cute.  Jeremy was in the car seat so about six months, Mark would have been two and Natalia three.  It was going to be so good.  However by the time Sheri go done with her talk, Natalia and Mark were sleeping soundly on the floor.  Sheri and I could only stand, with babies between our feet, and sing it without them, hoping not to step on them.  It would have been so sweet.  As I have loved you (the kids hugging themselves) Love one another (their thumbs circling each other). I can see it in my mind.

Mark and Natalia

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