Thursday, August 9, 2018

Movie Review: Death of a Nation (2018)

The Death of a Nation (2018)  This is a movie from Dinesh D’Souza.  He is a conservative film producer.  He compares the Trump Presidency with that of Abraham Lincoln.  In both cases the public, or the Democratic Party was unwilling to accept the election results.  With Abraham Lincoln this lead to a fractured nation.  With Trump it has led to a political party doing everything they can to delegitimize a presidency. 
One of the big themes is the use of a Hitler strategy.  If you tell a lie enough eventually people will start to believe it.  The “Big Lie” is that the Democrats have been the party of racist, slavery and the Ku Klux Klan.  Ku Klux Klan was an arm of the Democrat Party.  The Democrat Party fought for slavery.  Woodrow Wilson screened the movie Birth of a Nation, which lead to a rebirth of the Klan through the U.S. rather than just the deep South.  It was Republicans who passed the Civil Rights laws, with Southern Democrats opposing.  And no, the parties did not change sides.  The Southern Democrats did not join the Republican Party.  Richard Nixon sponsored Affirmative Action.  And President Trump has unemployment among African Americans lower than it has ever been.
When Abraham Lincoln talked about slavery, he talked about people being forced to work, and then someone else taking their efforts to feed themselves.  The Democrat Party continues to be the party of taking wealth from those that work, to give it to others. 
An interesting story of resistance to the Nazi regime is presented.  Sophia School opposed the Nazi tactics, and published a newsletter which she and others distributed.  She called Hitler a liar.  She was caught and executed for her resistance. 
This movie is very disturbing to me.  I was antsy in my seat.  I keep trying to think why conservatives are often labeled as racists or bigots.  This does not make sense to me.  D’Souza calls this the “Big Lie” but I do not think this explains enough. 
As for myself my loyalties have shifting from being more liberal to being conservative.  Being a social worker that doesn’t quite add up; but I think conservative philosophies, “work for what you get” is more in line with my thinking. 
This production is very likely bound for documentary apathy.  However I think it deserves a view.  

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