Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Historic Hyrum Elite Hall
Hyrum Elite Hall is an historic building, but it is still being used.  It was built in 1917 after the opera house on the same site burned down in 1915.  It was used for high school basketball games for South Cache High School, before they had their own gym (before my time.)  It also hosted other events such as wrestling.

The big draw was as the dance floor.  At one time the had weekly Saturday dances.  The floor bounce, because of the springs built under the floor.  My brother said one time he was able to get underneath the floor with someone and see the spring.

There was also a time when it was open Saturday morning for people to play basketball, or run around the balcony.  This was the main court for my Bantam Basketball playing days.  The Hall had large restrooms, men's and women's.  Above the restrooms, off of the balcony, was a classroom.  It was in this classroom that I took my hunter's safety.  I also attended an Emergency Preparedness seminar and learned how if the Russians missed nuking Hill Air Force Base by a little bit we were toast.

One year, for our May Day dance program from the elementary school, it was held there.  I think it was the back up place for bad weather.

While I was growing up, dancing wasn't as popular.  They stored the drum and equipment from a band in the display area as you entered the Hall.  Eventually the drum had a tear in it.  I understand dancing has come back, and saw an ad for dances two Saturdays a month with dance instruction who may need Swing Dancing instruction

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