Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Poetry I like: Sin Llave (Without Key)

Todo el Amor en Poemas: Antologia: Ellas, Grupo Editorial Tomo, Mexico City, 2005.
I cannot recommend this book.  It is not very much about love, and more about love making, so I found myself having to skip over much of the book, and still not finding much which I would say was really about love.  In fact, just one poem touched me.  This poet is from Spain.
Sin llave
Me tienes y soy tuya. Tan cerca uno del otro
como la carne de los huesos.
Tan cerca uno del otro
y, a menudo, ¡tan lejos!...
Tú me dices a veces que me encuentras cerrada,
como de piedra dura, como envuelta en secretos,
impasible, remota... Y tú quisieras tuya
la llave del misterio...
Si no la tiene nadie... No hay llave. Ni yo misma,
¡ni yo misma la tengo!
Ángela Figuera Aymerich
Without key
You have me, and I am your; So close one to the other
like muscles of the bones.
So close one to the other
and, at times, so far apart!
You tell me, at times that you find be closed,
like from hard stone, surrounded in secrets,
impassable, remote... And you would like yours
a key to the mystery...

But no one has it... thee is no key.  Not even myself,
I don't even have it!

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