I came across this story on Facebook, and I wanted to save it. It is about a young woman and her grandmother:
young woman went to her grandmother and told her about her life and how
things were so hard for her. She did not know how she was going to make
it and wanted to give up. She was tired of fighting and struggling. It seemed that as one problem was solved, a new one arose.
Her grandmother took her to the kitchen. She filled three pots with
water and placed each on a high fire. Soon the pots came to a boil. In
the first, she placed carrots, in the second she placed eggs, and the
last she placed ground coffee beans. She let them sit and boil, without
saying a word.
In about twenty minutes she turned off the
burners. She fished the carrots out and placed them in a bowl. She then
pulled the eggs out and placed them in a bowl. Then she ladled the
coffee out and placed it in a bowl.
Turning to her granddaughter, she asked, "Tell me, what do you see?"
"Carrots, eggs, and coffee," she replied.
She brought her closer and asked her to feel the carrots. She did and
noted that they were soft. She then asked her to take an egg and break
it. After pulling off the shell, she observed the hard-boiled egg.
Finally, she asked her to sip the coffee. The daughter smiled as she
tasted its rich aroma.
The granddaughter then asked, "What does it mean, Grandmother?"
Her grandmother explained that each of these objects had faced the same
adversity -- boiling water -- but each reacted differently. The carrot
went in strong, hard and unrelenting. However, after being subjected to
the boiling water, it softened and became weak. The egg had been
fragile. Its thin outer shell had protected its liquid interior. But,
after sitting through the boiling water, its inside became hardened. The
ground coffee beans were unique, however. After they were in the
boiling water, they had changed the water.
"Which are you?"
she asked her granddaughter. "When adversity knocks on your door, how do
you respond? Are you a carrot, an egg, or a coffee bean?"
Think of this: Which am I? Am I the carrot that seems strong, but with
pain and adversity? Do I wilt and become soft and lose my strength?
Am I the egg that starts with a malleable heart, but changes with the
heat? Did I have a fluid spirit, but after a death, a breakup, a
financial hardship or some other trial, have I become hardened and
stiff? Does my shell look the same, but on the inside am I bitter and
tough with a stiff spirit and a hardened heart?
Or am I like
the coffee bean? The bean actually changes the hot water, the very
circumstance that brings the pain. When the water gets hot, it releases
the fragrance and flavor of your life. If you are like the bean, when
things are at their worst, you get better and change the situation
around you. When the hours are the darkest and trials are their
greatest, do you elevate to another level?
How do you handle adversity? Are you changed by your surroundings or do you bring life, flavor, to them?
Sunday, June 30, 2013
Sunday, June 23, 2013
World's Fair 1962
1962 was the year of the Seattle World's Fair. The Fair was known as Century 21, and would have a theme of looking to the future.
The World's Fair was about three hours away from Othello. The Fair continued from April to October. We visited the fair. My older siblings could not remember what time of year, but very likely after the harvest or late Fall. However the fair was felt in Othello before we attended. There was a general clean-up of the community. The Othello Outlook including several articles about how to behave during the Fair, as the tourist traffic would be heavy through Othello.
March 15 Get Ready for C-21. "How do you foster civic pride? Do you beg and plead, do you embarrass and shame or is law enforcement the answer? City clean-up has been in the past as it is now, a problem that can’t be solved without the whole-hearted co-operation of the entire community…."
May 3 p 2 A Smile Worth One Million
"Othello is already a very friendly town so it probably isn’t necessary to remind our people that there will be many tourists through our community during the time of the world’s fair and that we should be nice to them.
But instead of being our regular nice selves we should put on a little extra charm and join all Washington with a smile to the tourist. Be nice to the big spenders form the East and maybe they will return next year."
There were also articles about the entertainment at the fair.
June 21 p 7 Kids Bonus at Century 21
"The exciting Paris Spectacular wax museum at the Seattle World’s Fair today announced a special vacation bonus for children.
Each Monday through Thursday, children 12 and under will be admitted free between 9 a.m. and 2 p.m. when accompanied by a paying adult... I want children to see this show—and the new bonus should attract them during the daytime when we have extra capacity,” Walter said.
Youngest Hawaiian Entertains At Fair
"Hawaii’s youngest entertainer 6-year-old Eleu, will play a special engagement at the Hawaii Pavilion on the grounds of the Seattle World’s Fair starting Monday."
There was also an alarming article about the Space Needle.
August 16 p 4 Othello Man Trapped In Space Needle
"Eddie Benson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Benson of Othello was one of twenty-eight persons trapped in the elevator of the Space Needle at the Century 21 Worlds’ Fair in Seattle when it stopped Sunday, August 12 for one hour and twenty minutes."
We as a family traveled to the top of the Space Needle. We took the elevator to the top, where there was a restaurant which rotated giving diners a view of the entire city as they ate. Above the restaurant was a platform and look out. It was mostly enclosed in glass, but you could go out of the glass where you were protected by a rail. The Space Needle gave me nightmares for a long time. I could see my self falling though the rail, and often had that falling nightmare. I remember my Dad saying you could see Canada. However, I checked on Wikipedia, and you cannot see Canada from the Space Needle. You can see other parts of Washington across the Sound.
We saw exhibits of the future. Connie says there was exhibit of a microwave, which did come to pass, but also a gyrocoptor transportation up and down, which hasn't happened yet.
Sara remembers a ferry trip across the Sound, but isn't sure if it was this trip or some other.
Connie remembers the purchase of the painting in Mom's place at the Fair. We watched the guy finish the painting. However Sara says it was a County Fair in Moses Lake. The picture was not quite dry, and she touched it. This lead to a smear. Dad had to take it back, and two rocks were added in the foreground to cover the smear.
Monday, June 17, 2013
Othello: Sugar Beet Farming
My Dad said that the best (most profitable) crop to raise in Othello was sugar beets. However, the amount you could grow was heavily controlled by the government, so it was not possible to just raise beats. There was a big push in 1962 in Othello to secure more acreage for beets, even hopes of a sugar factory near Othello. A commission from Othello and the state went to Washington to testify. The Chamber of Commerce sponsored a writing campaign. For a second they thought they would have some result, but when contracts were issued there was no change. Dad was always frustrated by the government control of the raising of beets. These notes are from the Othello Outlook 1962.
Jan 25: Beet Association needs Support For More Acreage
Possibility of a new sugar refinery near Othello was discussed at a special meeting of the Columbia Basin Sugar Beet Development Association January 16 at the People Bank Office. A publicity committee was appointed…
U and I Sugar is reported to have purchased land for a plant 12 miles south of Othello, just north of Basin City. The company is now surveying the land for a plant. The existence of this plant will depend on the increase of sugar beet acreage in the Columbia Basin. At the present time the Moses Lake refinery is near capacity.
The association has set three goals according to Roy Deming, secretary. First they will be very active in supporting a revised five year extension of the Sugar Act. Second, they will promote a new sugar refinery in this area. Also they will attempt to sign up 100 growers, and estimated 3,000 acres, with the association.
Additional acreage for the Columbia Basin, which would be the largest asset towards the establishment of a plant near Othello is entirely up to the legislature, according to Deming. The association has requested the help of the Basin Town’s chambers and have been accepted by Othello, Connell, Pasco and Warden.
Jan. 25: Need Help on Beet Development
Another industry is knocking on Othello’s door and the promoters need your help in opening that door. We are speaking of the Sugar Refinery that may locate South of Othello.
Help is needed in getting the word to our legislators in Washington that the Basin needs the Sugar Act extended and improved and we need more beet acreage.
The development of a refinery here depends on an increase in acreage as the Moses Lake plan is near or at capacity.
Also more acreage would help the individual farmers. It costs so much to break in the raising of beets that a farmer can’t come out on just a few acres. More acres are needed per farmer so that he can make it a paying crop.
Make your wishes known to the legislators, asking them for their help in this matter. Sugar beet development will strengthen the Basin’s agricultural industry.
Feb. 1: Chamber Joins Beet Growers For More Acreage
The Board of Directors, Othello Chamber of Commerce joins with the Chamber of Commerce members in endorsing the aims of the Columbia Basin Beet Growers Association who are working hard towards getting the Sugar Act extended and getting more beet acreage for the Columbia Basin farmers, Carl Hansen, the Chamber’s Secretary reported today.
The Board went on record at the last meeting to aid the Beet Association both workwise, and financially, Hansen concluded.
May 3: Allotments Are Stepped Up
More good news for sugar beet producers in the Columbia basin came from U.S. Department of Agriculture officials recently, in the form of an increase in sugar allotments.
May 17: Othello Represented in Washington, D.C.: Arguments for Sugar Ammendments
The statement from governor Rossellini of Olympia, Washington will be presented to the House Committee on Agriculture today, May 19, 1962 in Washington D.C. Harley Dirks, local businessman, will read the governor’s message as follows: STATEMENT OF GOVERNOR ALBERT D. ROSELLINI OF WASHINGTON, IN SUPPORT OF AMENDMENTS TO THE SUGAR ACT, BEFORE THE HOUSE COMMITTEE ON AGRICULTURE, MAY 17, 1962.
Mr. Chairman:
I appreciate this opportunity to present this statement to the committee, concerning needed amendment to the Sugar Act, to provide for expansion of domestic sugar beet production.
AS you know, Mr. Chairman, the principal areas for new expansion of beet acreage in Washington State lie in the developing Columbia Basin Project.
In 1960, under terms of existing acreage restrictions, some 14,200 acres were planted to sugar beets in the Columbia Basin Project.
When acreage quotas were withdrawn for the 1961 crop, the total acreage increased to 27,300, almost an 100 per cent gain.
Sugar plant facilities were available to process this greatly increased production and the Columbia Basin made a major contribution to the nation’s need for sugar.
It seems clear to me that the public interest would best be served with a extension of the Sugar Act for at least five years. Such a program would permit the industry to make long-range plans for locating new plants in Washington and the Columbia Basin.
In addition the act should be amended to provide orderly expansion of production for such new reclamation areas, so that growers can acquire acreage to meet the increasing demand for sugar. The success of such reclamation projects as the Columbia Basin will depend to a large measure on this availability of sugar beet acreage.
Specifically, it is my hope that the committee gives favorable consideration to the following proposals.
Extension of the acreage for at least five years.
2. Establishment of basic quotas for domestic areas on a consumption level estimate of 9.7 million tons.
3. Division of the annual increase in consumption at 67 ½ per cent to domestic continental areas and 37 ½ per cent to foreign areas, the 67 ½ per cent to be shared 75 per cent by the beet sugar area and 25 per cent by the mainland cane sugar area.
Thank you very much.
July 26: Sugar Act Signed July 13
New sugar allotments coming on the heels of the new Sugar Act, (signed into law July 13 by President Kennedy) will increase the chances for Columbia Basin Beet Sugar growers to plant more sugar beets.
According to Al Pederson, vice-president of the Washington Sugar Beet Growers Associaltion, “The U&I Sugar Beet plant at Moses Lake is bringing in new machinery to increase the capacity of the plant from 4,500 tons in 24 hours in 1961 to 6,000 tons in 24 hours starting this year.”
The new machinery will increase the amount of finished product from the plant. A new Beet and Pulp Dryer is going in, along with new machinery throughout the plant. “This means, of course,” says Mr. Pederson, “that the U&I plant can handle the increased loads of beets coming from increased acreage in the Basin.”
The new Sugar Act will continue in effect until December 31, 1966, with increases in acreage allotments each year. These increases are possible because of an anticipated increase in the consumption of sugar due to an increase in population.
Domestic Sugar producers got 55% of the quotas or allotments under the old act, but under the new one they’ll get 65%, which was more than expected. The gains were made partly because Puerto Rico and Hawaii have not been filling their quotas for the past 4 or 5 years, so that portion has been added to the allotments for mainland beet and cane sugar producers. Beet growers in the U.S. will get 75% of the 65% increase with cane growers receiving a 25% share.
This will mean, (in round figures) that Columbia Basin growers will get close to 10,000 additional tons as their share of the U.S. total by the time the new act expires. “This means,” says Pederson, “our beet growers will get from 7,000 to 8,000 tons annually.”
AS for the possibility of a new plant in the Basin, Pederson says, “Sales and marketing increases will determine whether or not a new plant can be constructed.”
August 30: Beet Acreage Restricted Next Year.
On the basis of probable year-end supplies of beet sugar, the August 10 Crop Reporting board’s estimate of the 1962 sugar beet crop and probable marketing opportunities for the beet sugar area, this situation is not expected to prevail.
Sept 13: Beet Harvest Begins Sept. 24
Paul Scalley, Toppenish manager and Charles Edwards Moses lake manager of the U&I Sugar Beet plants met with the board of directors and set September 24 as the beginning date of the 1962 sugar beet harvest.
Field men of the Utah Idaho Sugar company will be in touch with the farmers of the area, advising them of the conditions of the harvest.
Othello: Potato Farming
My Dad's primary crop when we were in Othello was potatoes. He raised other crops, (including sugar beats, corn, alfalfa) but potatoes was his staple.
Othello was the leading producer of potatoes in the state of Washington. This article is from the Othello Outlook 1962
6/21: Othello Largest Potato Shipper
At the meeting of the Washington State Potato Committee held in Yakima June 15, 1962 it was revealed that Othello produced more potatoes than any other shipping point in Washington for the 1961 crop. ..
However potato farming was risky. The Othello Outlook mentioned a couple things to look out for in 1962.
7/19: Aphids Damage toSpud Crop
For the past week or so, the aphid buildup in Othello area potato fields has been alarming, according to information from Nick Sandar, WSU’s Potato Specialist, stationed at Othello.
Many local fields have been sprayed to date while infestation in many others need immediate control measures.
Damage from aphid infestations has been two-fold. It has been causing the spread of leaf-roll virus which may result in a serious grade defect that will reduce the yields of Russett Burbank tubers. The spread of this virus occurs with either light or heavy aphid infestations, according to Sandar. He says, “It’s most important that no aphid buildup be permitted on late potatoes intended for storage, or these to be harvested about September 1.” The second point is that severe aphid infestations can cause extensive direct-feeding damage. Yield reductions occur due to the premature death of the plants which aphids feed on.
Nick Sandar urges potato growers to keep a constant check on aphid situation in their fields. He says Thiodan insecticide applied at the recommended rate of 1 pound of active ingredient per acre is giving excellent control of aphids in most potato fields.
August 9, 1962 p 8 Early Blight Endangers Spuds in Basin Area
High humidity and sprinkler irrigation have been bringing on an invasion of early Blight disease in Potatoes in the Othello area, reports Nick Sandar, WSU’s Extension Potato Specialist.
This fungus disease has been affecting the foliage and stems of potato plants causing premature plant death. In late potatoes, this could mean reduced yields. With a full grown crop (like those coming out of the ground this week) growers have been welcoming the early Blight because it helps defoliate the plants for harvesting. But, growers who have late potatoes need to protect their plants against early blight and Powdery Mildew, Nic Sandar suggests some control measures Niveh and Dithane M-22 are commonly used for controlling early Blight, while sulphur is effective for controlling Powdery Mildew. He says the materials should be applied in the early stages of the diseases-like now- as they’ll arrest the growth but will not cure. Nick says growers of late potatoes need not worry about Late Blight because it requires low humidity to do its damage.
Sandar cautions, however, before applying insecticides or fungicides to potato fields it’s well to be sure the problems are correctly diagnosed. “Control measures may be justified for three of the conditions currently happening in potato field, but little can be done about the others. Growers can control Aphids, Early Blight and Powdery Mildew, but they can’t do anything about potash deficiency or Verticillium Wilt. Thiodan insecticide has been giving excellent control of aphids in potato field, however, serious feeding damage has occurred in some fields where control measures were delayed, Sandar says, “Materials for the control of aphids, Early blight, and Powdery Mildew may be combined in one application.
In 1963, when I was five, we raised some pretty big potatoes. Big trucks came to haul them away. I thought my dad would be so excited, but he wasn't. A blight had gotten into the potatoes, and his whole field of potatoes had to be sold for pig feed.
Othello was the leading producer of potatoes in the state of Washington. This article is from the Othello Outlook 1962
6/21: Othello Largest Potato Shipper
At the meeting of the Washington State Potato Committee held in Yakima June 15, 1962 it was revealed that Othello produced more potatoes than any other shipping point in Washington for the 1961 crop. ..
However potato farming was risky. The Othello Outlook mentioned a couple things to look out for in 1962.
7/19: Aphids Damage toSpud Crop
For the past week or so, the aphid buildup in Othello area potato fields has been alarming, according to information from Nick Sandar, WSU’s Potato Specialist, stationed at Othello.
Many local fields have been sprayed to date while infestation in many others need immediate control measures.
Damage from aphid infestations has been two-fold. It has been causing the spread of leaf-roll virus which may result in a serious grade defect that will reduce the yields of Russett Burbank tubers. The spread of this virus occurs with either light or heavy aphid infestations, according to Sandar. He says, “It’s most important that no aphid buildup be permitted on late potatoes intended for storage, or these to be harvested about September 1.” The second point is that severe aphid infestations can cause extensive direct-feeding damage. Yield reductions occur due to the premature death of the plants which aphids feed on.
Nick Sandar urges potato growers to keep a constant check on aphid situation in their fields. He says Thiodan insecticide applied at the recommended rate of 1 pound of active ingredient per acre is giving excellent control of aphids in most potato fields.
August 9, 1962 p 8 Early Blight Endangers Spuds in Basin Area
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picture from the paper |
High humidity and sprinkler irrigation have been bringing on an invasion of early Blight disease in Potatoes in the Othello area, reports Nick Sandar, WSU’s Extension Potato Specialist.
This fungus disease has been affecting the foliage and stems of potato plants causing premature plant death. In late potatoes, this could mean reduced yields. With a full grown crop (like those coming out of the ground this week) growers have been welcoming the early Blight because it helps defoliate the plants for harvesting. But, growers who have late potatoes need to protect their plants against early blight and Powdery Mildew, Nic Sandar suggests some control measures Niveh and Dithane M-22 are commonly used for controlling early Blight, while sulphur is effective for controlling Powdery Mildew. He says the materials should be applied in the early stages of the diseases-like now- as they’ll arrest the growth but will not cure. Nick says growers of late potatoes need not worry about Late Blight because it requires low humidity to do its damage.
Sandar cautions, however, before applying insecticides or fungicides to potato fields it’s well to be sure the problems are correctly diagnosed. “Control measures may be justified for three of the conditions currently happening in potato field, but little can be done about the others. Growers can control Aphids, Early Blight and Powdery Mildew, but they can’t do anything about potash deficiency or Verticillium Wilt. Thiodan insecticide has been giving excellent control of aphids in potato field, however, serious feeding damage has occurred in some fields where control measures were delayed, Sandar says, “Materials for the control of aphids, Early blight, and Powdery Mildew may be combined in one application.
In 1963, when I was five, we raised some pretty big potatoes. Big trucks came to haul them away. I thought my dad would be so excited, but he wasn't. A blight had gotten into the potatoes, and his whole field of potatoes had to be sold for pig feed.
Friday, June 14, 2013
Othello and the Canal
Othello is a farming community, with irrigated farms. When we lived there, much of the infrastructure for this irrigation was new. This included the Pot Holes Canal which runs through town, and brings life giving water. The water flows directly to the canal from the Pot Holes Reservoir.
As a child we drover over the canal to get from town to our home. I remember the canal was very scary to me. The sides of the canal are very steep. "The walls along this part of the Canal are steep but not like cliffs in the other sections of this canal that we passed through." http://boatingtheinlandnw.blogspot.com/2012/03/channeled-scablands-adventure.html
As I read the Othello Outlook, there were a couple of incidents involving the canal. The first involved a laborer, hot from working. He climbed onto some pipes over the canal, and told his friend, "Watch me swim." He jumped in with his clothes on, including his shoes. He did not resurface.
The other incident from the paper September 20 talks of a car that went through the railing and ended in the canal. The article relates, "Leo T. Hook, 31, Pasco, had a close call at about 11 p.m. Friday when his 1957 Chevrolet two-door crashed through the railing of the Potholes Canal bridge two and a half miles south of Othello on Radar road. Hook apparently hit the right hand shoulder about 4 feet from the bridge, then hit the guard rail on the right side of the bridge which turned him around facing the opposite direction, then crashed backward through the middle of the bridge, coming to rest in the water of the canal bank. The driver was unhurt, though a bridge beam had penetrated through the car. The bridge incurred $500 damages and Hook's car was demolished. Hook has been charged with wreckless driving.
This is the bridge over the canal close to our old farm. I have faint memory of this, of my father showing us the damage in the bridge.
Safety around the canals was a constant worry for parents. The canal ran behind our house, but I don't remember ever playing close to the canal. We just didn't go there. Perhaps my siblings who were older did, but I never did. To me is was a hill behind our house. This article about canal safety appeared in the Outlook July 26, p 2
Water Is Not Always For Fun
Water means fun for the kids, but not always for the parents.
Ken Waud, county extension agent, says, “Without exception, open bodies of water—including irrigation ditches and canals, lakes and streams—claim the lives of many children too young to have yet learned how to swim. The drift away from their homes, campsites or picnic grounds to play in that interesting fluid which makes so many things bob up and down upon it, and is so much fun to splash in. Then, a step into a deep hole and life is ended.”
Everett Davis, WSA Extension agricultural engineer, warns that families living in irrigated areas or near open water must provide safety precautions for tots and toddlers. He offers these suggestions:
A fence enclosure adjacent to the residence is one answer to protecting youngsters who cannot swim. All gates within the enclosure should have latched high enough to prevent the tots from opening the gates and wondering away.
I is too costly to install woven wire fences along irrigation ditches and canals or to cover the surface with any type of netting or planking.
As a child we drover over the canal to get from town to our home. I remember the canal was very scary to me. The sides of the canal are very steep. "The walls along this part of the Canal are steep but not like cliffs in the other sections of this canal that we passed through." http://boatingtheinlandnw.blogspot.com/2012/03/channeled-scablands-adventure.html
As I read the Othello Outlook, there were a couple of incidents involving the canal. The first involved a laborer, hot from working. He climbed onto some pipes over the canal, and told his friend, "Watch me swim." He jumped in with his clothes on, including his shoes. He did not resurface.
The other incident from the paper September 20 talks of a car that went through the railing and ended in the canal. The article relates, "Leo T. Hook, 31, Pasco, had a close call at about 11 p.m. Friday when his 1957 Chevrolet two-door crashed through the railing of the Potholes Canal bridge two and a half miles south of Othello on Radar road. Hook apparently hit the right hand shoulder about 4 feet from the bridge, then hit the guard rail on the right side of the bridge which turned him around facing the opposite direction, then crashed backward through the middle of the bridge, coming to rest in the water of the canal bank. The driver was unhurt, though a bridge beam had penetrated through the car. The bridge incurred $500 damages and Hook's car was demolished. Hook has been charged with wreckless driving.
This is the bridge over the canal close to our old farm. I have faint memory of this, of my father showing us the damage in the bridge.
Safety around the canals was a constant worry for parents. The canal ran behind our house, but I don't remember ever playing close to the canal. We just didn't go there. Perhaps my siblings who were older did, but I never did. To me is was a hill behind our house. This article about canal safety appeared in the Outlook July 26, p 2
Water Is Not Always For Fun
Water means fun for the kids, but not always for the parents.
Ken Waud, county extension agent, says, “Without exception, open bodies of water—including irrigation ditches and canals, lakes and streams—claim the lives of many children too young to have yet learned how to swim. The drift away from their homes, campsites or picnic grounds to play in that interesting fluid which makes so many things bob up and down upon it, and is so much fun to splash in. Then, a step into a deep hole and life is ended.”
Everett Davis, WSA Extension agricultural engineer, warns that families living in irrigated areas or near open water must provide safety precautions for tots and toddlers. He offers these suggestions:
A fence enclosure adjacent to the residence is one answer to protecting youngsters who cannot swim. All gates within the enclosure should have latched high enough to prevent the tots from opening the gates and wondering away.
I is too costly to install woven wire fences along irrigation ditches and canals or to cover the surface with any type of netting or planking.
Saturday, June 8, 2013
Grand Coulee Dam
One of the places my parents took us while we lived in Washington was to the Grand Coulee Dam. I remember we were so high, and it was so big, it was hard to sea everything. My dad I think had been with the older people before, but I'm not sure about that. These pictures are from the dam with my Aunt Audrey's family.
Grand Coulee is the largest energy producer in the United States, and on of the largest concrete structures in the world. (Wikipedia) This article from the Othello Outlook talks of the dam.
April 5, 1962 Grand Coulee Opens April 18
One of the greatest tourist attractions in the State of Washington is Grand Coulee Dam, and as such it is the aim of the Bureau of Reclamation to make it as enjoyable as possible for the visitor.
During the past two years the tour charge at the dam was dropped; the top of the dam was opened to vehicular traffic; the tour of the right power house was put on a self-guided basis, the dam itself was opened to the public where they can view one of the many gallerys which honeycomb the dam; and another part will soon be opened to visitors.
On April 18 the pumping plant will be open for visitor viewing. This plant houses the irrigation pumps required to lift the irrigation water 280 feet from the Lake Roosevelt into Banks Lake. A part of the pumping plant tour will include a visit to the pumping plan exhibit room. This room contains a 9-foot by 22-foot relief map of the entire Columbia Basin Project built by the Albrook Hydraulic Laboratory at the Institute of Technology at W.S.U., a series of exhibits prepared by the National Park Service at San Francisco and the walls her have murals painted on them.
Grand Coulee is the largest energy producer in the United States, and on of the largest concrete structures in the world. (Wikipedia) This article from the Othello Outlook talks of the dam.
April 5, 1962 Grand Coulee Opens April 18
One of the greatest tourist attractions in the State of Washington is Grand Coulee Dam, and as such it is the aim of the Bureau of Reclamation to make it as enjoyable as possible for the visitor.
During the past two years the tour charge at the dam was dropped; the top of the dam was opened to vehicular traffic; the tour of the right power house was put on a self-guided basis, the dam itself was opened to the public where they can view one of the many gallerys which honeycomb the dam; and another part will soon be opened to visitors.
On April 18 the pumping plant will be open for visitor viewing. This plant houses the irrigation pumps required to lift the irrigation water 280 feet from the Lake Roosevelt into Banks Lake. A part of the pumping plant tour will include a visit to the pumping plan exhibit room. This room contains a 9-foot by 22-foot relief map of the entire Columbia Basin Project built by the Albrook Hydraulic Laboratory at the Institute of Technology at W.S.U., a series of exhibits prepared by the National Park Service at San Francisco and the walls her have murals painted on them.
Othello and our Teeth
Othello had natural occurring fluoride in the water supply. As such, it people were exposed to it long enough, they had very good teeth, and very few cavities. My dad us to talk about this. I think we moved (when I was six) just before this effect took place for me. I always had lots of dental work and hated dentists. My older siblings had good effect from the exposure to fluoride. Ran across these articles in Othello Outlook that verifies this.
Feb. 8, p 10: Othello Water Tops for Teeth
“It’s the water,” said Dr. Olin E. Hoffman, head of the Dental Health of the state Department of health, “that makes Othello’s children’s teeth so good; at least it is the Fluoride content in Othello’s water.”
Dr. Hoffman has been examining the teeth of Othello school children this week and has found a low percentage of tooth decay, among the children that have lived in Othello most of their life.
Dr. Hoffman was here on the invitation of the Superintendent of Schools, Wallace Blore. He said that he had been in Othello making the same examination ten years ago and found that now as at that time there is a low percentage of tooth decay; only about 20 percent as compared to as high as 60 percent in areas where there is a low fluoride content in the water.
Ten years ago out of 157 students in the Othello schools 24 had lived in Othello most of their life and out of the 24, 19 showed no tooth decay. He said that his study this week proved that the same percentage was holding up. Dr. Hoffman said that Othello has a 2 per one million fluoride content which is very high.
“The children’s teeth are extremely clean partly due to the smooth quality of the teeth which makes them easier to clean,” he said.
He also said that there was a very low loss rate of the six year molars which in his words “are the most important teeth.”
Of the children he had examined he found no six year molars missing, and he said that the average loss is one half tooth per child.
Dr. Hoffman was assisted by Mr. Rodger James and Mary Marshall of the state health department and Mrs. Herbert, Mrs. Drake, Mrs. Tom Emry and Mrs. Roloff of the PTA.
Look, Mom-No Cavities Feb. 15, 1962 p 6
Children who have lived in Othello since birth, and been a constant user of Othello water can say, “Look, Mom- no cavities!” due to the natural fluoride content of the city water, it was learned from the recent dental survey.
Dr. Ollin Hoffman and his assistant, Mrs. Marshall, completed their examination of Othello school children through the eight grades on Wednesday February 7. Dr. Hoffman’s survey, based on a screening type examination, indicated that tooth decay rate here is much lower than the nation’s. Of those children who have been born in Othello and who have resided here constantly since birth, 76 percent had no decayed, filled, or missing teeth. Of children in the first grade who have resided here, 91 percent had no decayed, filled, or missing teeth. The over-all average of all grades was 78 percent.
Tooth brush kits and instruction pamphlets were distributed to children in first and second grades. These kits were donated the Benton-Franklin District Dental Society. This program is in conjunction with Dental health Week which was February 3 through 9.
Feb. 8, p 10: Othello Water Tops for Teeth
“It’s the water,” said Dr. Olin E. Hoffman, head of the Dental Health of the state Department of health, “that makes Othello’s children’s teeth so good; at least it is the Fluoride content in Othello’s water.”
Dr. Hoffman has been examining the teeth of Othello school children this week and has found a low percentage of tooth decay, among the children that have lived in Othello most of their life.
Dr. Hoffman was here on the invitation of the Superintendent of Schools, Wallace Blore. He said that he had been in Othello making the same examination ten years ago and found that now as at that time there is a low percentage of tooth decay; only about 20 percent as compared to as high as 60 percent in areas where there is a low fluoride content in the water.
Ten years ago out of 157 students in the Othello schools 24 had lived in Othello most of their life and out of the 24, 19 showed no tooth decay. He said that his study this week proved that the same percentage was holding up. Dr. Hoffman said that Othello has a 2 per one million fluoride content which is very high.
“The children’s teeth are extremely clean partly due to the smooth quality of the teeth which makes them easier to clean,” he said.
He also said that there was a very low loss rate of the six year molars which in his words “are the most important teeth.”
Of the children he had examined he found no six year molars missing, and he said that the average loss is one half tooth per child.
Dr. Hoffman was assisted by Mr. Rodger James and Mary Marshall of the state health department and Mrs. Herbert, Mrs. Drake, Mrs. Tom Emry and Mrs. Roloff of the PTA.
Look, Mom-No Cavities Feb. 15, 1962 p 6
Children who have lived in Othello since birth, and been a constant user of Othello water can say, “Look, Mom- no cavities!” due to the natural fluoride content of the city water, it was learned from the recent dental survey.
Dr. Ollin Hoffman and his assistant, Mrs. Marshall, completed their examination of Othello school children through the eight grades on Wednesday February 7. Dr. Hoffman’s survey, based on a screening type examination, indicated that tooth decay rate here is much lower than the nation’s. Of those children who have been born in Othello and who have resided here constantly since birth, 76 percent had no decayed, filled, or missing teeth. Of children in the first grade who have resided here, 91 percent had no decayed, filled, or missing teeth. The over-all average of all grades was 78 percent.
Tooth brush kits and instruction pamphlets were distributed to children in first and second grades. These kits were donated the Benton-Franklin District Dental Society. This program is in conjunction with Dental health Week which was February 3 through 9.
Thursday, June 6, 2013
Where has our Freedom of Religion Gone?
Looking back, there was a time when prayers were offered in classrooms daily, along with the Pledge of Allegiance. That is no longer the case. I came across an article from 1962 in the Othello Outlook. It talks about secularism vs religion in the school:
7/12/62 Prayer In Our Schools? Guest Editorial
Editorial Note: Following statement on recent Supreme Court decision on prayer in public school was made my Most Rev. Bernard L. Topel, Phd, Bishop of Catholic Diocese of Spokane (Which includes Adams County). It appeared in Inland Register, diocesan newspaper, Friday July 6.
Supreme Court and Secularism
“It is time to speak out boldly. It is time for action. In fact, it is long past time for both.
I refer to the growing series of decision of the Supreme Court that are stifling religion and (in effect) promoting immorality. A new low was reached in two recent decisions of the Supreme Court.
The first declared unconstitutional the recitation in public school of the following prayer:
“Almighty God, we acknowledge our dependence upon Thee and we beg Thy blessing upon us, our parents, our teachers, and our country.”
No question this prayer promotes religion, no question too it promotes no particular relation. The Supreme Court declared the recitation of this prayer unconstitutional on the basis of the First Amendment. The fact is, though, that those who wrote, proposed and voted for the first Amendment of the Constitution wanted religion promoted, the while they wanted no particular sect favored.
How has this great change come to pass? How has it come that the Supreme Court makes decisions so contrary to the thinking of one hundred years ago? One word gives the answer: secularism.
The majority decision contained these words: “It is no part of the business of government to compose official prayers for any group of American people to recite as part of a religious program carried on by the government.” Millions of Americans, I hope, disagree with this. Any true believer of God knows that God should be—indeed, must be recognized by the state. In fact, the state which does not, one day (in God’s good time) will suffer for that sinful neglect. It cannot be otherwise.
Many eminent constitutional lawyer also disagree with the decision. After all, there is nothing infallible about the decision of the majority of the nine men who make up the Supreme Court. The views of the individual Justices, their attitudes, color their interpretation of the Constitution. Apparently, the mind of the nine Justices or our Supreme Court have for far too long been colored by secularistic thinking.
A very bad effect on morals has also resulted from another series of Supreme Court decisions, notable those that have to do with obscene literature. Due to these decisions, it has become almost impossible to stop the flow of vile, salacious and immoral literature. The most recent decision of the Court, in my opinion, reaches a new low. This decision ruled that the United States Post Office authorities were wrong in prohibiting the use of the mails to magazines (to use the words of the Supreme Court,) that “are primarily composed, if not exclusively, for homosexuals, and have no literary, scientific or other merit.” Moreover there is the admission by the Court that these magazines do promote “prurient interest” in homosexuals. The result of this decision is complete liberty for magazines to reach these unfortunates no matter how harmful they may be.
So I repeat, the time has come for action. No longer can we tolerate such abuse of religions and morality.
If the appointment of Supreme Court Judges with less secularistic outlook will bring about the change, then this must be done.
If it means new laws must be passed, then let them be passed.
If it means a new constitutional amendment must be drawn, then in God’s name, let that be done.
It is of more than passing moment that these words will be read by you right after the 4th of July. Independence Day is a day of great joy because it marks the birth of independence for us Americans. God forbid that it will ever mean independence from Him and from morality.
These rulings outlined any prescribed prayer, not prayer itself. The rulings of the Supreme Court affirmed, that government could not force the exclusion of religion in schools "in the sense of affirmatively opposing or showing hostility to religion."
But bit by bit, the opposite has happened. Where has our right to pray in school gone? The constitutions says two things on this subject. "Amendment I: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;" From there, how do we get to where we are today. Note, there is no separation of church and state. (That is a Thomas Jefferson quote, and would have been in the Constitution if they intended it to be there.) It expressly prohibits any law respecting the free exercise of religion. So we have the right to pray in school, we have the right to say Christmas (not holiday.) In the changes that have been made secularism and atheism are the only winners, and are not they putting themselves in the place of religion. Are they not now state sponsored religions. As the Bishop noted, we must stand up and demand our rights. We have the right to worship in the military and in public areas. A cross in a military cemetery is not a government promoting a religion. Forcing citizens to take it down would be.
7/12/62 Prayer In Our Schools? Guest Editorial
Editorial Note: Following statement on recent Supreme Court decision on prayer in public school was made my Most Rev. Bernard L. Topel, Phd, Bishop of Catholic Diocese of Spokane (Which includes Adams County). It appeared in Inland Register, diocesan newspaper, Friday July 6.
Supreme Court and Secularism
“It is time to speak out boldly. It is time for action. In fact, it is long past time for both.
I refer to the growing series of decision of the Supreme Court that are stifling religion and (in effect) promoting immorality. A new low was reached in two recent decisions of the Supreme Court.
The first declared unconstitutional the recitation in public school of the following prayer:
“Almighty God, we acknowledge our dependence upon Thee and we beg Thy blessing upon us, our parents, our teachers, and our country.”
No question this prayer promotes religion, no question too it promotes no particular relation. The Supreme Court declared the recitation of this prayer unconstitutional on the basis of the First Amendment. The fact is, though, that those who wrote, proposed and voted for the first Amendment of the Constitution wanted religion promoted, the while they wanted no particular sect favored.
How has this great change come to pass? How has it come that the Supreme Court makes decisions so contrary to the thinking of one hundred years ago? One word gives the answer: secularism.
The majority decision contained these words: “It is no part of the business of government to compose official prayers for any group of American people to recite as part of a religious program carried on by the government.” Millions of Americans, I hope, disagree with this. Any true believer of God knows that God should be—indeed, must be recognized by the state. In fact, the state which does not, one day (in God’s good time) will suffer for that sinful neglect. It cannot be otherwise.
Many eminent constitutional lawyer also disagree with the decision. After all, there is nothing infallible about the decision of the majority of the nine men who make up the Supreme Court. The views of the individual Justices, their attitudes, color their interpretation of the Constitution. Apparently, the mind of the nine Justices or our Supreme Court have for far too long been colored by secularistic thinking.
A very bad effect on morals has also resulted from another series of Supreme Court decisions, notable those that have to do with obscene literature. Due to these decisions, it has become almost impossible to stop the flow of vile, salacious and immoral literature. The most recent decision of the Court, in my opinion, reaches a new low. This decision ruled that the United States Post Office authorities were wrong in prohibiting the use of the mails to magazines (to use the words of the Supreme Court,) that “are primarily composed, if not exclusively, for homosexuals, and have no literary, scientific or other merit.” Moreover there is the admission by the Court that these magazines do promote “prurient interest” in homosexuals. The result of this decision is complete liberty for magazines to reach these unfortunates no matter how harmful they may be.
So I repeat, the time has come for action. No longer can we tolerate such abuse of religions and morality.
If the appointment of Supreme Court Judges with less secularistic outlook will bring about the change, then this must be done.
If it means new laws must be passed, then let them be passed.
If it means a new constitutional amendment must be drawn, then in God’s name, let that be done.
It is of more than passing moment that these words will be read by you right after the 4th of July. Independence Day is a day of great joy because it marks the birth of independence for us Americans. God forbid that it will ever mean independence from Him and from morality.
These rulings outlined any prescribed prayer, not prayer itself. The rulings of the Supreme Court affirmed, that government could not force the exclusion of religion in schools "in the sense of affirmatively opposing or showing hostility to religion."
But bit by bit, the opposite has happened. Where has our right to pray in school gone? The constitutions says two things on this subject. "Amendment I: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;" From there, how do we get to where we are today. Note, there is no separation of church and state. (That is a Thomas Jefferson quote, and would have been in the Constitution if they intended it to be there.) It expressly prohibits any law respecting the free exercise of religion. So we have the right to pray in school, we have the right to say Christmas (not holiday.) In the changes that have been made secularism and atheism are the only winners, and are not they putting themselves in the place of religion. Are they not now state sponsored religions. As the Bishop noted, we must stand up and demand our rights. We have the right to worship in the military and in public areas. A cross in a military cemetery is not a government promoting a religion. Forcing citizens to take it down would be.
Sunday, June 2, 2013
The Old Rambler
The first vehicle of my folks I can remember was a Rambler wagon.
It looked like this vehicle. It did have extra seats in the back, and also had a storage area under the back. One year we traveled to Seattle to purchase Christmas and my folks packed it in the back, and then made beds for us on top of it. Seat belts weren't a big thing then. It was hard not to peek.
My mom use to load us all in the Rambler and take us to the swimming pool, or shopping with her. Those were fun times.
The car left Othello with us when we moved, and was our family car for several more years. Connie, my sister, crashed it in Illinois, and soon after that we got a different car.
It looked like this vehicle. It did have extra seats in the back, and also had a storage area under the back. One year we traveled to Seattle to purchase Christmas and my folks packed it in the back, and then made beds for us on top of it. Seat belts weren't a big thing then. It was hard not to peek.
My mom use to load us all in the Rambler and take us to the swimming pool, or shopping with her. Those were fun times.
The car left Othello with us when we moved, and was our family car for several more years. Connie, my sister, crashed it in Illinois, and soon after that we got a different car.
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