Saturday, August 31, 2013

Mission Call 1976

I received my call early September.  I was called to serve in the Buenos Aires North Mission.  The call was signed by President Spencer Kimball. 
Because of the difficulty with getting visas, there was a period of several months between getting my call and my going to the LTM.  In face so much time that I was able to attend an extra quarter of school.  I wasn't planning on attending, but I got the call with time to enroll, and didn't leave until like a week before the end of the quarter.  I just had to arrange to take my finals a week early.  I remember taking a couple philosophy courses, and that is where I learned some visual jokes, and how to think so logically (that is satire about myself).  I also took music theory, and embarrassed myself rewriting a Beatles song. 
That bag didn't make the trip with me.  I used my brief case.
Finally I headed for the LTM in December, between Thanksgiving and Christmas.

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