Friday, April 26, 2013

My Wrestling Career

At South Cache Junior High School wrestling was a course in P.E.  Everyone would learn some basic moves and then we would have some fun.  Along with this, there was also an intramural wrestling tournament rather than a formal team competing against other schools.  I had some pretty good runs in these tournaments.  My major rivals were Kay Dickey and Deno Blau.  I remember ninth grade year making it to the finals wrestling against Deno Blau.  We had quite a struggle.  During the first period no one scored a takedown and the score was 0-0.  IN both the second and third periods, the man on top was able to ride out the period and still no one had scored.  We went overtime, and I won the toss and was on top.  However Deno scored the escape and won 1-0.
Now I shouldn't hang my head losing to Deno, as he was state champion in high school. 
I didn't continue with wrestling in high school.  My sophomore year I broke my wrist just before school, and as a result did not have sixth period athletics.  I tried coming after school, but the other kids already had an hour of practice on me.  I didn't have the tenacity to stick it out.

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